Wednesday, August 5, 2009

7/22/09 to 7/31/09

7/22/09: Jeremy had to leave my house early, so I went to Ernest's house. That was the most boring day at Ernest's ever. Soooooo boored.

7/23/09: Biked to Ariza's house, and was bored for a long while. Went to Huntington Beach with Aimee, Ariza, Arianne, and Kuya Gene later though. We looked like a gang :U

This is Kitty. He's a big ol' bird.

7/24/09: People from yesterday came over to mah house. We were bored and talked to Ernest on Skype. :]

7/25/09: Saw the Orphan with Kuya Gene, Ariza, Aimee, and Ernest. Fuckin neeger teets, that movie was scurry.

7/26/09: Pretty sure I was bored. If not, I went with my mother somewhere.

7/27/09: Did some volunteer work at Cabrillo with Jeremy, Ernest, Richard, Aimee, and Jizzica. Walked to Jizzica's house until her dad came and freaked out cause we weren't supposed to be there. So after we left her house, we went to Jeremy's. Had fun and stuffs.

7/28/09: Forgot. Was probably bored at home.

7/29/09: Went to Jeremy's house with Aimee and Ernest, and saw High School Musical 3 lmao.

7/30/09: Ariza, Kuya Gene, and Arianne came over later in the day. We watched Bolt. I expected it to be gayer, but I liked it :D

7/31/09: Bored as fuck. Was supposed to have frands over, but my mom felt like changing her mind. Went to El Polo Loco with her though. Watched 13 Ghosts with Jeremy and Aimee over the phone. Didn't really watch it, but it seemed really bad.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


7/20/09: Boring as fuck. Next day yay!

7/21/09: Yayyyy it's my birthday yayyyyy! Saw Hairy Pooper, ate at Korean BBQ for dinner, then chilled at my house and played Cranium. Jeremy and Ernest slept over too :]

Sunday, July 19, 2009

7/17/09 - 7/19/09

7/17/09: Adventure to Ariza's house with Aimee :D
We took the bus over there and played Cranium the whole day.

7/18/09: My mother's birthday. She went to Disneyland all by herself, so I went to Ariza's house again. We went to the mall and bought nothing. Still had fun though. Went back to Ariza's later and played more cranium :D

7/19/09: Woke up super late and missed church :(
Had In n Out for lunch, and I got a really short haircut. Was supposed to go visit Adrian at the hospital, but imma go to Griffith Park with the familia. Here's my bang-less haircut D:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I needa catch up.

7/3/09: Nobody reads my blogspot so I guess I can post this. Drank a wee bit of wine at Ariza's house.

7/4/09: Yay 4th of July. Went to my cousins house. Had family bbq and partay partay. Didn't get to watch fireworks though :[

7/5/09: Went to cousin's house again. Didn't do much. Went to the mall after and bought shit from Forever 21 cause I'm so damn manly.

7/6/09: Ariza's house yay. Drank a wee bit of wine again and talked about stuffs. Laughed so hard, teared up some.

7/7/09: Ernest's house. BBQ'd and chilled and stuff. Ernest, Adrian, and Sammy had a jamsesh. Real fun day :D

7/8/09 - 7/16/09: Fuck I forgot. Somebody help me D:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ernie's Bday

7/1/09: Ernest's birthday. Made him this amazing picture. ;D

Was bored the rest of the day. Went to Newport Beach with my mother cause she had a doctors appointment. All we did was go to CVS and Jamba Juice there. We went to Westminister to buy some food too. I met all of Lanvy's family :D

7/2/09: Ernest's birthday partay. Went to Los Cerritos park. lots and lots of fun.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Oh Jesus, I forgot a lot of stuff that happened over summer already. I don't remember when I've gone out and stuff. Here's my best try on figuring out dates.

6/10/09: Last day of school. Chilled at Ernest's house I think. I forget what we did there though. I think we went to Ariza's house too.

6/11/09: The real last day of school. Ditched with Jessica that day cause I'm so badass. We went to Ernest's house then went to the park.

6/12/09: Santa Monica Pier with family and Jillians Grad Party. I almost forgot this day lol. Didn't take this pic but damn it's prettyful.

6/13/09: I think this was the day Kuya Gene took us out and we watched Drag Me to Hell. I don't remember if it was this day or the 14th.

6/14/09: ^ Maybe it was that one of the Laker games where there was a tiny party over at my house.

6/15/09: Went to Sunset Beach with family. I remember it being really cold that day.

6/16/09: Cousin from Colorado's birthday. Family party at my house. Cake was really good. Jolly good fun singing kareoke and stuff.

6/17/09: I forget, but I think it was Ernest's house and the park again.

6/18/09: Ariza's house. Watched a movie I'm pretty sure.

6/19/09: Super dooper fun day :D
Went to Chuck E. Cheeses with Kobe, went to Fallas, some discount store next to Superior in the westside, and hung out at my house :)

6/20/09: Kobe went home this day. I miss that cute, annoying, little kid. Went to the mall and to Ariza's house after.

6/21/09: Whole crap load of nothing but Nostale and Skype with Jeremy. Fuck Father's Day.

6/22/09: Went to Ernest's house and slept over. He pretty much made me go there to play Nostale D:

6/23/09: Made Aimee cum to Ernie's at 8 AM. Then, we went to Richards house and had the most delicious tacos ever and I raped Richard at Brawl.

6/24/09: Nothing. Fun.

6/25/09: Forgot. I really hope I didn't have 2 days of nothing in a row :/

6/26/09: Went to Ernest's again. Chilled and biked and scooted to Coldstone. On the way back, Aimee fell off her scooter and I lmao'd. We then had a slumber partay. :)

6/27/09: Had brunch at Ihops with the same people. Watched Ernest's home movies, Power Rangers, and went downtown to see Transformers 2. Oh and Ernest likes yelling at his computer alot.

6/28/09: Mostly nothing. Went to a new church. It was pretty cool.