Tuesday, July 28, 2009


7/20/09: Boring as fuck. Next day yay!

7/21/09: Yayyyy it's my birthday yayyyyy! Saw Hairy Pooper, ate at Korean BBQ for dinner, then chilled at my house and played Cranium. Jeremy and Ernest slept over too :]

Sunday, July 19, 2009

7/17/09 - 7/19/09

7/17/09: Adventure to Ariza's house with Aimee :D
We took the bus over there and played Cranium the whole day.

7/18/09: My mother's birthday. She went to Disneyland all by herself, so I went to Ariza's house again. We went to the mall and bought nothing. Still had fun though. Went back to Ariza's later and played more cranium :D

7/19/09: Woke up super late and missed church :(
Had In n Out for lunch, and I got a really short haircut. Was supposed to go visit Adrian at the hospital, but imma go to Griffith Park with the familia. Here's my bang-less haircut D:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I needa catch up.

7/3/09: Nobody reads my blogspot so I guess I can post this. Drank a wee bit of wine at Ariza's house.

7/4/09: Yay 4th of July. Went to my cousins house. Had family bbq and partay partay. Didn't get to watch fireworks though :[

7/5/09: Went to cousin's house again. Didn't do much. Went to the mall after and bought shit from Forever 21 cause I'm so damn manly.

7/6/09: Ariza's house yay. Drank a wee bit of wine again and talked about stuffs. Laughed so hard, teared up some.

7/7/09: Ernest's house. BBQ'd and chilled and stuff. Ernest, Adrian, and Sammy had a jamsesh. Real fun day :D

7/8/09 - 7/16/09: Fuck I forgot. Somebody help me D:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ernie's Bday

7/1/09: Ernest's birthday. Made him this amazing picture. ;D

Was bored the rest of the day. Went to Newport Beach with my mother cause she had a doctors appointment. All we did was go to CVS and Jamba Juice there. We went to Westminister to buy some food too. I met all of Lanvy's family :D

7/2/09: Ernest's birthday partay. Went to Los Cerritos park. lots and lots of fun.