Wednesday, August 5, 2009

7/22/09 to 7/31/09

7/22/09: Jeremy had to leave my house early, so I went to Ernest's house. That was the most boring day at Ernest's ever. Soooooo boored.

7/23/09: Biked to Ariza's house, and was bored for a long while. Went to Huntington Beach with Aimee, Ariza, Arianne, and Kuya Gene later though. We looked like a gang :U

This is Kitty. He's a big ol' bird.

7/24/09: People from yesterday came over to mah house. We were bored and talked to Ernest on Skype. :]

7/25/09: Saw the Orphan with Kuya Gene, Ariza, Aimee, and Ernest. Fuckin neeger teets, that movie was scurry.

7/26/09: Pretty sure I was bored. If not, I went with my mother somewhere.

7/27/09: Did some volunteer work at Cabrillo with Jeremy, Ernest, Richard, Aimee, and Jizzica. Walked to Jizzica's house until her dad came and freaked out cause we weren't supposed to be there. So after we left her house, we went to Jeremy's. Had fun and stuffs.

7/28/09: Forgot. Was probably bored at home.

7/29/09: Went to Jeremy's house with Aimee and Ernest, and saw High School Musical 3 lmao.

7/30/09: Ariza, Kuya Gene, and Arianne came over later in the day. We watched Bolt. I expected it to be gayer, but I liked it :D

7/31/09: Bored as fuck. Was supposed to have frands over, but my mom felt like changing her mind. Went to El Polo Loco with her though. Watched 13 Ghosts with Jeremy and Aimee over the phone. Didn't really watch it, but it seemed really bad.